Alumnus Employs Natural Science to Teach Philosophy & Theology to Seminarians
 Dr. Finley has helped to secure a $10,000 Templeton Foundation grant to incorporate natural science into his seminarians’ studies.
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Alumnus’ Video Pays Tribute to College’s Founders
When alumni gathered in Denver earlier this month, they watched this video, a tribute to Thomas Aquinas College’s founders by Paul Lazenby (’10).
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A Rocky Mountain Reunion
Denver-alumni alumni gathered at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Littleton, Colorado, on Saturday, for a potluck dinner.
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68 Alumni Priests!
By God’s grace, there are now two more alumni priests: Rev. Joseph Hudson, O.S.B. (’03), and Br. Robert Nesbit, O.S.B. (’07).
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Legatus Magazine Profiles College VP Paul J. O’Reilly (’84)
Few Americans have ever had the experience of walking to Sunday Mass with the fear that someone might attack them along the way
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Prayers for Upcoming Alumni Ordinations!
By God’s grace, the number of ordained alumni priests will soon rise to 68!
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Graduate Offers Insights on Election 2016 Ballot Questions
This past Wednesday Josh Altic (’12), appeared on the PBS News Hour to discuss some of the ballot initiatives that voters will decide at the polls on Tuesday.
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