Alumna Author on November: “Christ Has Only One Mystical Body”
Alumna writer Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold offers some timely reflections on the end of the liturgical year in a recent article for National Catholic Register.
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Alumna Sister Builds “Spiritual Oasis in the Modern Desert”
“The contemplative is the stay-at-home mother within the Church,” reflects Sr. Mary Josefa (Kathleen ’07) Holcomb, O.S.B.
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Recently Ordained Alumnus Priest Makes First Return to Campus
Over the weekend an alumnus priests, Rev. Matthew Maxwell, MC (’08), returned to the California Campus to visit his alma mater, offer the Sacraments, and visit with the students of Thomas Aquinas College.
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Prayers for an Upcoming Ordination: Eric Patrick (’11)
Please pray for Eric Patrick (’19). By God’s grace, he will ordained to the transitional diaconate for the Diocese of Sacramento on Saturday, with his priestly ordination to follow in the spring!
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Michael Van Hecke (’86) Discusses Catholic Liberal Education on “EWTN Live”
Alumnus educator Michael Van Hecke (’86) recently appeared as a guest on EWTN Live to discuss his work as the president and founder of the Institute of Catholic Liberal Education.
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Joseph Andres (’12) Awarded Notre Dame Law School Fellowship
The University of Notre Dame’s School of Law recently announced a new fellowship for aspiring legal scholars, and among its four inaugural fellows is alumnus Joseph Andres (’12).
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Running in the Footsteps of the Saints: Elizabeth Mazza (’16)
Though St. Paul’s exhortation, “Run so as to win” (1 Corinthians 9:24), refers to the spiritual race for heaven, Elizabeth Mazza (’16) decided to take it literally.
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