Please Pray for Rose (Teichert ’76) Grimm
“I am sad to report that my mom has a small cancerous tumor in her liver,” writes Wendy-Irene Zepeda (’99) of her mother, Rose (Teichert ’76) Grimm.
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Nieto Online!
If you are looking for words of wisdom from one of Thomas Aquinas College’s most beloved tutors, you are in luck! 
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Prayers for an Alumnus Dominican’s Upcoming Ordination
Br. John Winkowitsch, O.P. (’04), will be ordained to the transitional diaconate — the third of four alumni to be ordained this year!
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Alumnus Headmaster Offers Inspiring Words for 2020 Grads
As the headmaster of Gregory the Great Academy in Elmhurst, Pennsylvania, Sean Fitzpatrick (’02) knows well the importance of a graduation ceremony in the life of a student. 
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Another Alumni Ordination!
Please pray for David Allen (’10), who, by God’s grace, will receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders on the morning of May 22.
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Video: Alumnus Seminarian on Path to Priesthood
“I don’t bring something special to the priesthood; the priesthood is something that God gives to me,” says Michael Masteller (’13), a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.  
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Recent Graduates Become Pandemic Bride and Groom!
Meg Downes (’20) completed her last examination on Wednesday then, on Thursday, married Patrick Nazeck (’19) at St. Mary Parish in Kalamazoo, Michigan. 
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