Meet the New Tutors: Joshua Lo (’12)
Growing up in Dallas and Houston, Texas, Joshua Lo (’12) nurtured dreams of becoming a concert cellist. Yet he reconsidered those dreams when he enrolled at Thomas Aquinas College in 2008.
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Meet the New Tutors: Sarah Kaiser (’02)
Dr. Sarah Kaiser (’02) is among the first of Thomas Aquinas College’s second-generation tutors, joining her father, veteran tutor Dr. Thomas J. Kaiser (’75), on the College’s California faculty.
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Graduate’s Documentary Celebrates College, Classmates & 20th Reunion
Alumna reporter and producer Mary Rose (Bacani ’03) Valenti traveled to California for her 20th reunion, then released a documentary about the experience.
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Marius Covington (’23) Celebrates “The Freedom of Africa”
“We live in such a safe environment that we get disconnected from nature, and people don’t appreciate how most of the world lives,” says Michael Core, a member of the Thomas Aquinas College President’s Council from Thousand Oaks, California. “I wanted to give an experience to a TAC graduate that would take them way out of their normal element.” 
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Alumni Brothers Pursue Priesthood — 3,000 Miles Apart
Our Lord began His public ministry by calling pairs of brothers to follow Him, and it is a practice that continues, as seminarians Isaac (’19) and Frater George (Patrick ’14) Cross, O. Praem., can attest.
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Alumnae Authors Reflect on Advent
Two alumnae authors are helping the faithful prepare their hearts to welcome the King of Kings at Christmas, reflecting on various aspects of the season of Advent.
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Alumni Couple Become Online Entrepreneurs
Caroline (Burnham ’00) and Dr. Richard King (’99) knew that life would be an adventure, but the parents of seven — including current students Peter (CA’24) and Jason (CA’26) — never expected that theirs would be an adventure in e-commerce.
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