Pondering the Monkey Mind: Neuroscientist-in-Training Ian Cochiolo (CA’23)
In November, Ian Cochiolo (CA’23) accepted a postbaccalaureate research fellowship in neuroscience through the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland, where he studies visual perception in monkeys.
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Memoirs of A Gearhead: Joe De Kroon (’91), Entrepreneur Turned Mechanic
After more than two decades in a career that has included stints at Boeing and NASA as well as founding his own tech company, Joe De Kroon (’91) has embarked on a new and no less exciting venture.
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Reminiscing with Alumni Dominicans
Among the Dominican friars and sisters who visited Thomas Aquinas College, California, last weekend, were three alumni who have followed the College’s namesake into the Order of Preachers.  
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Retired Apple Exec: TAC Gives Grads “Unfair Advantage” in Tech
After 16 years with Apple, Inc., Nathan Haggard (’99) retired last year at the age of 45.
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Norbertine Sisters Elect TAC Alumna as New Prioress
The Norbertine Canonesses of the Bethlehem Priory of St. Joseph In Tehachapi, California, have announced the joyful news that, on December 5, they elected Mother Mary Oda (Jennifer Tilley ’02), O.Praem., as their new prioress!
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Meet the Tutors: Meghan Duke (’08)
When she graduated from Thomas Aquinas College, California, in 2008, Meghan Duke never imagined that she would one day join its teaching faculty, let alone at a new campus in New England. She never even expected to attend graduate school.
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Meet the New Tutors: John Finley (’99)
Returning to teach at Thomas Aquinas College, California, is a homecoming of sorts for Dr. John Finley (’99) — in more ways than one. Not only is he an alumnus of the College, he is also an alumnus of the faculty.
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