Alumna Tech Entrepreneur to Speak at Feb. 26 Open House
“TAC fell out of the sky,” says Daina Andries (’09), founder of Epidaurus Health, about how she made her way to Thomas Aquinas College nearly 20 years ago.
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CiRCE Institute Honors Dr. Andrew Seeley
​The Center for Independent Research on Classical Education — otherwise known as the CiRCE Institute — has awarded its Russell Kirk Paideia Prize to Dr. Andrew Seeley (’87), recognizing his “invaluable contribution to the Christian classical renewal.” ​
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EWTN’s Journey Home Features Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem. (’94)
Alumnus priest Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem. (’94), recently appeared on EWTN’s Journey Home program.
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Putting People Back Together: Dr. Thomas Duffy (’08)
“Getting people back on their feet has been an interest of mine since grade school,” says Dr. Thomas Duffy (’08).
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Alumna Entrepreneur Shares Faith through Needlework
It is possible that Mikaela (Heal ’21) Raum has the distinction of being the youngest TAC alumna to run a thriving business.
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Ken Colombini (’85) on “An Archdiocesan Retreat”
Writing in Crisis, Ken Colombini (’85) offers an assessment of the Church’s response to demographic decline and religious disaffiliation in his home of St. Louis, Missouri.
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Urban Guild Honors Alumnus Architect Erik Bootsma (’01)
Alumnus architect Erik Bootsma (’01) has received a 2022 Design Exploration Award from the Urban Guild for his work on St. Aubin Village in Detroit, Michigan.
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