Naval Physician: Dr. Dave Langley (’15)
Dr. Dave Langley (’15) is on the last leg of the long journey to becoming a full-fledged physician, working through his residency requirements at Florida State University in Sarasota.
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College Honors Dr. Sean Collins (’79) for Teaching Every Course in Curriculum
At the close of this academic year, Dr. Sean Collins (’79) joined the small but growing group of TAC faculty members who have taught all 23 courses in the College’s curriculum. 
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Dr. Cara Buskmiller (’11) on Consecrated Life
The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston has released a video from Dr. Cara Buskmiller (’11), in which the alumna obstetrician and bioethicist recounts how she discovered her vocation to consecrated virginity while a TAC student. 
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Alumni in Tech: Graduates Demonstrate the Versatility of Catholic Liberal Education
“When I graduated from high school, I wanted to go into a STEM field,” recalls Dr. Jonathan Doylend (’96).
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New Philosophy Series from Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem. (’94)
The extensive oeuvre of Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem. (’94), continues to expand!
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Alumna Author Celebrates ‘Fathers of Many’
Following the success of her first book, The Crowded Table: The Brave and Beautiful Choice to Mother Many, Angela (Andersen ’87) Connelly has released a follow-up: The Crowded Table 2: The Fatherhood Adventure. 
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Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold: Corpus Christi and St. Thomas Aquinas
“In the Blessed Sacrament, we taste and touch what is truly in heaven.”
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