
Sean Fitzpatrick ('02)
Writer, illustrator, and educator Sean Fitzpatrick (’02) has a new story for Crisis magazine about the Pope’s surprising resignation, The Radical Return to Ratzinger. Long billed as a “radical” the Holy Father’s abdication, argues Mr. Fitzpatrick, is his first truly shocking act:

“For being such a radical Pope, the rest of the world can now truly say that Benedict came around to their meaning of the word. His resignation was, in a sense, the first radical thing this radical Pope ever did. If it is nothing else, it is at least surprising. But surprises are to be expected from those who follow Christ.”

Mr. Fitzpatrick is becoming something of a regular in Crisis, having penned two literary columns in December about fiction for the Christmas season.



Pope Benedict Slideshow
  • Pope Benedict Slideshow
  • Pope Benedict Slideshow
  • Pope Benedict Slideshow
  • Pope Benedict Slideshow
  • Pope Benedict Slideshow
  • Pope Benedict Slideshow
  • Pope Benedict Slideshow
  • Pope Benedict Slideshow
  • Pope Benedict Slideshow