Prayer Request for Douglas Alexander (’77)
Please pray for alumnus Douglas Alexander (’77), who suffers from serious dementia and is said to be declining rapidly.
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Alumna Update: Dr. Caroline Johnson (’97)
Five years ago, the College profiled alumna Dr. Caroline Johnson (’97), who, as a traveling internist, was the portrait of versatility.
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Prayers for Alumni/Parent Couple Battling Cancer
Please pray for Margaret (Boersig ’81) and Dave Mason, parents of 10 children, including five alumni and one current student.
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Alumnus Priest: What is the Mass?
One of the College’s newest alumni priests, Rev. Miguel Batres, O.Praem. (’08), appears in a new video where he answers the question, What is the Mass?
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Recent Reads by Alumni Authors
Be sure not to miss these recent articles by alumni writers …
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Fr. Sebastian Discusses Thomas Aquinas College, New England, on Catholic Answers Live
“You’ve been in Massachusetts because you’re a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College,” began host Cy Kellett on a recent episode of Catholic Answers Live.
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