In Memoriam: Stephen Chavez (’87)
  Please pray for the repose of the soul of Stephen Chavez (’87), who passed away unexpectedly in his sleep on November 20.
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Dispatches from Rome, Part II
Part two in a series of reflections by Michael Van Hecke (’86), an American delegate to the World Congress on Catholic Education in Vatican City.
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Alumnus Sends Dispatches from Education Congress in Rome
Michael Van Hecke (’86), an American delegate to the World Congress on Catholic Education in Vatican City, has published the first in a planned series of dispatches about the international gathering of Catholic educators.
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Two New Alumni Priests Bring Total to 64!
The Most Rev. Edward J. Slattery, Bishop of Tulsa has ordained into the holy priesthood of Jesus Christ two Thomas Aquinas College alumni: Rev. Patrick Carter, O.S.A. (’05), and Rev. Peter Miller, O.S.A. (’07).
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Alumna Attorney Leads Defense of Journalist who Exposed Planned Parenthood
When David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress first devised his plan to expose Planned Parenthood, he turned to attorney Katie Short (’80) for legal help.
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Prayer Requests
  Director of Alumni Mark Kretschmer (’99) passes along the following prayer requests ...
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’15 Classmates work with Missionaries of Charity in Haiti
Three members of the Class of 2015 have recently returned from a post-graduation mission trip to Port au Price, Haiti, where they worked with the Missionaries of Charity.
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