Alumna Scholar Explores Apocryphal Tales of the Child Jesus
Dr. Mary Dzon (’95) has thoroughly documented and examined the various apocryphal accounts of the Christ Child.
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Journey Home Features Alumni Conversion Story
Christopher Zehnder (’87) was a recent guest on EWTN’s Journey Home, where he told the story of his conversion to the Catholic faith.
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Graduate Named Chief Speechwriter for Sen. Ted Cruz
Texas Senator Ted Cruz recently announced that he has hired William ‘Billy’ Gribbin Jr. (’10) as his new communications strategist and chief speechwriter.
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Alumnus Cartoonist: Democracy Dies in the Womb
Alumnus cartoonist Pat Cross (’14) responds to a Washington Post columnist’s claim that she would have aborted her own children had they been diagnosed, in utero, with Down Syndrome.
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Blog of a Soul
Who is Marcel Van? If you don’t know, see a recently published essay by alumna author Suzie Andres (’87) on CatholicExchange. 
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Creating Catholic Community: Rev. Jerome Zeiler, O.P. (’00)
“How do you confront the Culture of Death — a materialistic, secular, godless culture — when you’re immersed in it?” asks Rev. Jerome Zeiler, O.P. (’00).
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More Prayers for Rose (Teichert ’76) Grimm
The family of Rose (Teichert ’76) Grimm reports that she has been diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer and will soon undergo aggressive treatment.
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