Priscilla (Smith ’77) McCaffrey Pens Story of Christmas Hope in Communist China
Every year, Westerners purchase billions of dollars of Christmas decorations, from crèche scenes to inflatable reindeer, imported from China. What do the artisans who make these goods think of them?
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College Governor Founds “Tacoma Safe” to Save City
Concerned about soaring crime and homelessness in her city, Mrs. Connelly has co-founded Tacoma Safe, a community organization that is pushing for increased local policing and shelter options. 
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Alumni Dominicans Return to Share Experience of Religious Life
The Western Dominican Province’s director of vocations, Rev. John Marie Bingham, O.P. (’00), returned to campus with two fellow alumni to lead a vocations talk.
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Alumna Principal Brings New Life to California Catholic School
It’s a Saturday in September, and Grace (Kelly ’12) Michael  — principal of St. Sebastian’s — is hosting a ribbon-cutting and blessing ceremony to mark the completion of major renovations at her once-crumbling school, thanks to a grant she secured through a philanthropic foundation. 
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In Memoriam: Tim Cantu (’10)
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Tim Cantu (’10), who died of cancer this morning, shortly after receiving the last rites from a fellow alumnus, Rev. Augustine Hilander, O.P.(’99).
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Alumnus Scholar Authors New Guide to JPII’s Theology of the Body
Alumnus scholar Dr. Michael Waldstein (’77) has authored a new book, Glory of the Logos in the Flesh: St. John Paul’s Theology of the Body. 
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Alumna Psychologist Encourages Students to Enter Field
Alumna psychologist Dr. Helena Orellana (’11) spoke to a group of TAC students on the subject, “Becoming a Classically Trained Psychologist.”
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